Wednesday, July 14, 2010

american art collector- aug '10

nice little write up in the august edition of 
american art collector magazine.

and be sure to see our friend lori putnam's
two page spread in the same issue!


  1. Hey that's fantastic Tom! You're certainly getting some print space in recently.

  2. Wow...congrats Tom! This must feel so good!

  3. Congrats Tom! Great to see you there!

  4. Nice, Tom. Seems you're getting great recognition. I am trying to come down to the exhibit next week, hopefully see you there?

  5. I have just found you and your beautiful works on Facebook, I can't seem to work out how to become a fan on your page there. Any suggestions? Also, how did you get that little facebook thing here on your blog? I would like to do that too but I am not very computer literate!! Your watercolours are some of the nicest I have seen in a long time. Glad I found you!

  6. This is great news Tom its nice to see a good things happening to good people, I'm sure its not luck at all but recognition of hard work and talent. Your amazing paintings are referenced frequently by artists like myself. It would be great to see a demo from you!

  7. thank you so much karen - and cathy; thanks; if you'd like to follow my facebook artist page, just click on the tab here and you can 'like' the page if you wish. you can add one also - just check settings on your homepage
